Supreme court onec again refuses to block Texas abortion law


The Supreme Court agreed on Friday agaian refused to immediately block a Texas law that bans most abortions after six weeks. The justices department agreed to fast-track their consideration of appeals from the Justice Department and abortion providers in Texas, scheduling arguments for Nov. 1.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor suggested the Supreme Court should have put the Texas law on hold while considering these issues.

the Court declines to act immediately to protect these women from grave and  Irreplaceable harm,” Sotomayor wrote .

”Letting the law stand will leave many patients in an impossible situation” 

She said ”some of those women do not know they are pregnant,” she wrote. “When they find out, should they wish to exercise their constitutional right to seek abortion care, they will be unable to do so anywhere in their home State.” 

The Supreme Court's decision to defer action on SB eight comes a day after Texas urged the high court to deny the federal government’s request to block its enforcement.

The Texas law, unlike every other abortion restriction to come before the Supreme Court, does not depend on state officials to enforce it. Instead, offers a $10,000 bounty to anyone who successfully sues abortion seeker patients in the state. 

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